October 9, 2024
Mercari India’s First CSR Activity: A Heartwarming Visit to Saanthvana Seva
Our visit to Saanthvana Seva was not just another CSR initiative; it was a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and human connection. The day was filled with joy, introspection, and a profound sense of fulfillment. As we departed, we carried with us the heartfelt stories we heard, along with a strengthened commitment to continue making a positive difference in the lives of those who need it most. Understanding CSR: More Than Just a Mandate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is more than just a legal obligation for companies; it’s a philosophy that embodies the essence of ethical business practices and the commitment to contributing positively to society. Through CSR initiatives, companies can address societal challenges, promote sustainable development, and uplift communities. At Mercari India, we view CSR as a vital aspect of our mission to create a meaningful impact beyond our business goals. The Story Behind Saanthvana Seva Saanthvana Seva Old Age Home and Rehabilitation Centre is an extraordinary place, founded by Dr. Kumada GC and Sridhar V, a compassionate Doctor and Engineer couple. Over the past seven years, they have dedicated their lives to running this old age home, which now operates across three buildings. Their mission is simple yet profound: to provide not just shelter and food but also love and care to the elderly residents who call this place home. What makes Saanthvana Seva truly special is the involvement of the entire family in this noble cause. Dr. Kumada and Sridhar’s two children, along with their mother-in-law and father-in-law, all contribute to the daily lives of the residents. Together, they create an environment where the elderly are not just cared for but cherished. A Day of Joy and Connection On August 29th, 14 of our employees visited Saanthvana Seva, marking the first time in seven years… <a class="more-link" href="https://about.in.mercari.com/news/events/mercari-indias-first-csr-activity-a-heartwarming-visit-to-saanthvana-seva/">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Mercari India’s First CSR Activity: A Heartwarming Visit to Saanthvana Seva</span></a>