October 5, 2023
Praying for Further Strides: Opening Ceremony of Mercari India
Hello, everyone. My name is Kayoreena and I work in the Engineering Office Team of Mercari Japan. In this article, I would like to report on the opening ceremony of Mercari India held on August 26. Mercari established a base (Mercari India) in Bengaluru, India in June 2022 and has been recruiting tech human resources, mainly engineers. Mercari is establishing a new Center of Excellence in Bengaluru, India this summer! #MercariDays | mercan The opening ceremony was actually planned from the beginning of June 2022, when the office in India was established, as an opportunity to express Mercari’s enthusiasm for expanding into India. The timing of the ceremony had been discussed for a long time. As Vish Magapu, Site Lead of Mercari India, joined the organization in February of this year, and more employees joined the company, which led to the decision to relocate the office, we decided to hold the ceremony on August 26 after the move to the new location. Since the establishment of Mercari India, I have been working on branding and general internal and external communication measures in India, so I was engaged in content planning as a member of the team organizing the ceremony. As a representative of the organizing team, I would like to introduce the preparations for the ceremony and how it went on the day. Preparations Creating the design We decided to create an original logo for the ceremony. Normally, we would not think of creating a logo just for one ceremony. However, because this ceremony was a special one for Mercari India, and because it was to be attended by people from offices in various countries and outside parties, we wanted to have a common concept and create a greater sense of unity and thus created an original logo and design.… <a class="more-link" href="https://about.in.mercari.com/news/praying-for-further-strides-opening-ceremony-of-mercari-india/">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">Praying for Further Strides: Opening Ceremony of Mercari India</span></a>